Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the brain and muscles and are therefore an important part of a balanced diet. In addition, carbohydrates have a lower energy density than fat.
Nevertheless, a low-carbohydrate diet is also recommended by nutrition experts as an effective way to lose weight.
This is because carbohydrates are broken down into simple sugar building blocks in the intestines and absorbed into the blood. They quickly raise blood sugar levels, which leads to the release of insulin. This hormone causes, among other things, an inhibition of fat burning in the body. It thus actually influences the weight loss success.
Do not neglect carbohydrates
If you want to lose weight, you should therefore avoid high-carbohydrate snacks if possible. This way, the insulin level can drop and the body has time to burn fat between meals. Avoiding carbohydrates in the evening can also be helpful when losing weight, provided the daily energy balance is right.
In the morning and at noon, however, carbohydrates are important for physical and mental performance. You should prefer whole grain products, as they are broken down more slowly and thus ensure a low increase in insulin and a constant blood sugar level.
“Slim in your sleep” is possible
There are diets that claim to make you slim while you sleep. Similar to the “low-carb” diets, these concepts are based on the control of the fat metabolism by the insulin level.
In contrast to “low-carb” diets, however, “Slim while sleeping” calculates a daily allowed amount of carbohydrates, which is ingested at fixed times according to the principle of food combining. A five-hour break between meals is mandatory and sleep should be seven to nine hours a night to allow the body to burn fat.
If this nutritional concept is carried out consistently, it can definitely lead to weight loss success, especially since studies show that sufficient sleep reduces the production of appetite-stimulating hormones. However, it is questionable whether “slim in your sleep” can be permanently implemented in everyday life.
Formula diets deliver what they promise
Many commercial diet concepts are based on special drinks or shakes that replace one or more meals a day for a certain period of time and thus promise rapid weight loss. An example of dietary supplement is protetox. However, in order to but legit products, you can check reviews on Geeks Health. You can also check reviews online.
Food intake tends to be monotonous in the long run, so formula diets are recommended, especially in the initial phase. In order to achieve long-term weight loss, a permanent change in diet is required.