Obesity is indexed as a “minor risk factor’ in the development of a heart disease, a reason why there’s still no specific intervention program for obese people. Generally, the contention is that obesity is a complex problem driven by several factors including environment and genes in relation to culture.
Most intervention programs for coronary heart disease focus on risk factors like high blood pressure, insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes and excessive lipids in the blood or hyper dyslipidemia. These health conditions are major risks for developing coronary heart disease (CRD) to which weight loss is the primary goal of a related risk-factor intervention program.
Apparently, weight loss achievements have profound influence in making intervention programs work for patients diagnosed with CHD-related major risk factors. According to current researches about obesity in the US, one of three Americans surveyed is obese, and many of whom have a coronary heart disease.
According to the latest Centers for Disease Control (CDC) report, about 80 per cent of patients diagnosed with CHD are either overweight or obese. However, for an intervention program to be effective in the treatment of a CHD, it should be one that works in a behavioral weight loss (BWL) setting.
What Exactly is a Behavioral Weight Loss (BWL) Intervention Program?
The Behavioral Weight Loss (BWL) approach in the treatment of CHD is a form of Cognitive Behavior Therapy.
Under a BWL-guided CHD intervention program, a patient learns to focus on pursuing lifestyle changes. Modifications involving caloric restrictions and increasing physical activities are carried out gradually, to effectively result in gradual weight losses. The dietary intakes must observe and follow the federal nutritional guidance and guidelines.
Medical studies have concluded that a cardiac rehabilitation (CR) program has little effect in reducing the risks in obese patients. What is being recommended is an intervention program that includes behavioral weight loss applied in a CR setting. Related studies have proven that CR intervention programs enhanced with BWL methods have shown impressive results not only in reducing the threats of CHD but also in significantly reducing the weight of obese patients.
Additionally as results of reduced body mass, threats of insulin resistance and other effects of metabolic syndrome such as improper blood circulation and lipid abnormalities are likewise reduced.
Using BWL-Inspired Weight Loss App and Importance of a Support Group
Nowadays there are physical fitness apps that promote BWL as weight loss therapy, which many have found effective in maintaining heart health and overall physical fitness. Those battling obesity are advised to consult with their doctor first, before using a BWL-inspired weight loss app.
Moreover, seek advice from other health and fitness professionals like a personal trainer, a nutritionist or a physical therapist as they will act as your support group. You will need them when embarking on a slow-paced, gradual weight loss journey. While some are tempted to take weight loss pills to hasten the weight reduction effects, not all weight loss pills out in the market are effective.
This diet pill brand known as Razalean shows promise, because it offers a 60-day refund guarantee if a user is not satisfied with the weight loss results achieved within the two-month period.